
grilled white peach salad with basil & pine nuts


You know that summer is just around the corner when you catch your first glimpse of stone fruit at the market. Then, week by week, the peaches and nectarines become abundant until you find yourself eating a few varieties every day. It’s so hard not to stockpile them all! In fact Miss L got 2 plums, an aplum & a nectarine in her lunch today… and trust me when I tell you that she asked for even more!

Grilled White Peach Salad
Author: kimberly michelle
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
  • 4 white peaches, firm and not overripe
  • 1 bunch of basil, slivered
  • 1/2 cup pine nuts, toasted
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • Canola Oil
  1. Separate the peaches into halves and remove the pit. Brush each half with canola oil.
  2. Grill the peaches on high heat with their cut side down for 2 minutes until carmelized.
  3. Flip them over and grill for one more minute.
  4. Remove them from the grill and immediately cover with basil and honey and generously sprinkle on the pine nuts.

One of Mr. M’s best grilling recipes involves crisp white peaches. It’s a simple summer “salad” that can accompany pretty much any meal on the grill, but goes particularly well with pork. We got to indulge in it this weekend… and I’ll be buying white peaches and basil every week for quite some time to come!

One Comment

  • Kate

    We’ve had peaches for a while now, but I’ve been waiting for plums. They finally showed up last week and I’m so excited.