
thai basil chicken fried rice

Our very first recipe share comes from none other than the princess of the Thai kitchen, Cathleya. Now, I don’t know about you, but I get fierce Thai cravings every now and then… it’s definitely my grown-up Chinese food. She’s been throwing this recipe around for ages to friends, and now that she shared it with me once again, I have no excuse NOT to try to make it! Hopefully you can round up some oyster & fish sauce at your local market (here in CA we overestimate how many people have access to Asian market) and be on your way!

You can find the recipe here as well as following along with the video (starring Cathleya!) below:

And if you do get the chance to try it, come back and comment any time to share your thoughts!

[p.s. recipe cards coming soon… a weekend project]


  • Maureen

    Wonderful video, and yes, it makes me want to cook! I lived in Bangkok for 3 years and the food was so so good…right to the door with all the vendors. I note they’re using Italian basil which is much more common here in the US. I usually mix some Italian with the Thai basil as I’ve never cared that much for the stronger anise taste of the Thais basil.

    Look forward to checking out more of the videos. Thanks so much.

    (link for Cathy is not working..for me i.e.)

  • Jenny Louwheeze

    Hooray! Thai Food Tonight! I love the Geefs. This is so funny – I was watching these videos this morning!

  • janie

    I need to go home and whip that shiet up pronto this week for dinner! YAY for our hot little Cathy and mama G! :)