
flashback: adult halloween

I’ve been slowly uploading all of my digital photos on my hard drives to a safe place on FLICKR… and I figured I’d share a few random memories here using them as inspiration!


Halloween is a very different holiday as an adult than as a kid. Costume contests take place at big house parties, at the workplace, or at a bar instead of at school, and candy is inevitably replaced by spirits with just as much sugar. And for some reason, most of my Halloween costumes fall into certain categories instead of being totally random year after year:


1) Look-alikes/Celebrity/Movie Character Costume

[DISCLAIMER: I’m not trying to pretend I look anything like Kiera Knightly]

Here, I decided to dress up like Domino Harvey, in that super blockbuster movie Domino. When dressing like a celebrity, it’s best to choose something REALLY obvious, or else people won’t appreciate your creativity and won’t even bother to ask what you dressed up as. I quickly found out that no one had seen the movie, and that I pretty much ripped up my jeans for nothing, because people thought I was just being some crazy girl wearing camo’s.

Example #2 — Fairy wings almost always = Tinker Bell. This one was nice and clear last year!


2) Wear normal clothes…. but add a hat and you’re suddenly someone else!

Sometimes it’s cold on Halloween… even in California! And sometimes you just want to go out, but you don’t want to spend $50+ on a bad costume store costume. So, you look in your closet, figure something out, go to the store to buy a hat, and you’re done! And if you couldn’t guess… I was BLUE from Blue’s Clues (left) and the Statue of Liberty (right). And I was comfy, warm, and cute :)


3) Nerdy costume

If all else fails, just dress as someone that all the nerds will know. In this case: Homestar Runner. You get awesome nods of appreciation and recognition and you feel like you succeded at adult Halloween. This does only work when you’re in areas with high density nerd populations (i.e. this area of town was filled with aerospace and software engineers)


And this year? Well… our family costume (Mr. M, Baby M and myself) falls under Category #1 once again… and those who saw my preview tweet might have a hint at what it will be!


Do your Halloween costumes fall into certain categories year after year?


  • Charlene @ Sweetchic

    Great post! I am totally stressing out about a costume… our friends have a mandatory costume party, and I am totally stumped! Your Tinkerbell costume is super cute though, I wonder if I could whip something up like that…

  • Ali @ His Birdie's Nest

    Great Costumes! You’d told me about your Blues Clues costume before, but not that I see it, I love it :)
    This year J and I fall under category #1, we’re going as characters of the TV show Mad Men. I’m going as Joan and he’s going to be Roger. Sadly, most the people I know at school & work have never seen Mad Men, so I’m hoping people at the party we’re going to have.

  • EP

    Nice costumes! I think the last (and only) time I dressed up as an adult was when Jay and I dressed as Mulder and Scully, probably about 9-10 years ago! :)

  • Jen

    I love the homestar runner costume! I’m always something geeky. My friends get it, but I always have to explain it to my parents.